Superior Water Conditioner Superior Water Conditioner reduce scale and corrosion in industrial, commercial and residential applications, worldwide. The systems consume no energy and produce no chemical waste and therefore produce no negative environmental impact and they require no hazardous material reports
By passing water through the proprietary multi-field magnetic technology, the minerals are altered to a state where they cannot form scale. Instead, the minerals form a light aragonite talc on the inside of pipes and the wetted surfaces of equipment which prevents free oxygen in the water (one of the most common causes of corrosion) from attacking the metal surfaces. Excessive solids settle to the bottom of the system in a soft, purgeable form that is easily removed through manual or automatic bleed-offs. Systems can range from the smallest to largest industrial applications, ranging from 4 GPM to 8,000 GPM and up.
Superior Water Conditioner contains a permanent magnetic core that has a unique and proprietary multiple-pole, multiple-field orientation along the length. As water passes through the treatment chamber, the dissolved minerals are exposed to a series of reversing polarity alternating magnetic fields, which alter their natural tendency to be attracted to one another and bond tightly together, forming a hard and brittle calcite scale buildup on heat transfer of equipment and piping. Instead, the minerals push away and repel one another, at the molecular level, and precipitate out of solution in a softer suspended state commonly called Aragonite, which will either flow right on through the plumbing system, or drop to a low point in water-using equipment where they can easily be purged through blow-down (draining).
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Superior Water Conditioners Superior Water Conditioner Brochure Data sheet for Boiler Data sheet for Cooling Tower and Evap. Condenser |