Steam Z is a condensate discharge system developed with a completely new approach. Equipped with only an open orifice. It is free from mechanical moving parts and without troublesome maintenance works which cannot be avoided with conventional steam traps. By offering better heat transfer, it contributes not only to Energy saving but also to the improvement of productivity. Steam Z has been adopted in various industries such as Chemical, Pulp , Petrochemical, Textile, Steel , Food processing etc. Structure of Steam Z The structure of Steam Z is very simple. It has a permanently open orifice, and there is no opening/closing mechanism. Because of Steam Z's small size, simple shape and light weight, the installation work and the heat insulation work are very easy. The piping upstream and downstream of Steam Z can be of a smaller diameter, which means a reduction in piping cost. There are no moving parts, which may break down. So, Steam Z has a very high long term reliability. The basic model of Steam Z has a single orifice, but there are models with several orifices in series or in parallel to cope with different operating conditions. Another notable feature of Steam Z is that the passageway of condensate from the inlet to the outlet is in a straight line, and there are no bends to hinder the smooth flow of condensate. There is no air-lock or gas-lock, and the condensate evacuates without stagnating. So, a high security co-efficient is not required. All of this leads to energy-saving. The models with an orifice of a small diameter are equipped with an integrated filter. Steam Z Product benefit
Steam Z Continuous Condensate drain Leaflet Steam Z - อุปกรณ์ระบาย Condensate อย่างต่อเนื่อง Presentation - Steam Z (Continuous Condensate drain) |